Monday, November 21, 2016

Over the Decades

I have been coming to Loon Lake since 1956; that’s a span of 60 years; one which covers from pre-teen to early senior life!

I could write a lengthy history of my life on Loon Lake but it would span many pages and would probably be quite boring to many of todays Loon Lakers. 

So I won’t do that! Instead I will give you a glimpse into what I see has been constant over the decades and what has in fact changed quite dramatically.

Most of you know that I am quite involved as a “Citizen Scientist” about all things related to the lake. What has remained relatively constant over he decades has been the excellent quality of our lake water! I have recently published not only the results of my own testing but those of the MOEE. I’ve also reported on the results of coliform testing done by the Lake Association. 

There has been instances where test results have not been consistent and the causes have aways been investigated and the reasons determined. Currently, the 2016 year end coliform testing has revealed a higher than normal total coliform count at all sampling locations. While it is too early to even surmise what has caused the condition, monitoring tests early next year should determine if further investigation will be required. 

What has changed dramatically is quite surprising and isn’t related to Citizen Science or the lake! 

It’s related to people and how they communicate.

There has been an increased awareness of happenings around the lake due to primarily the Loon Lake Facebook page. That page has seen an increase in usage with an increased membership. That's all good!

Interestingly enough though, the Blog that I have been writing for several years has experienced a dramatic decrease in usage.

There may be several reasons for that happening, but the end result is that I will be shutting down my Blog early in the New Year. 

I haven't decided yet how I will be communicating my "Citizen Scientist" or other info to Loon Lakers, but it will be through a media format readily accessible to everyone. I’ll let you know  when things are set up.

So, while some things remain constant on Loon Lake, some don't and change does happen. Usually for the better!

I want to say a sincere “thank you” for following my Blog over the past few years, I hope you’ve found it interesting, informative, and it has somehow enriched your enjoyment of Loon Lake.



Anonymous said...

We will truly miss your Blog! We have always found it informative and interesting plus love your picturs. When ever we turn on the computer we check your blog. When unable to be at the cottage we have counted on you to keep us up to date. Once again we are going to miss you Mike
Lye and Ellen

Anonymous said...

Mike - Sorry to read that you will be ending your blog.It has been a daily ritual for me to check for updates for several years now.Loon Lake has been part of my life since my grandparents cottage was built around 1953 and the memories run deep. I haven't been up from Pennsylvania for several years, but checking your blog has helped fill the void.I especially enjoy your photos and descriptions of the lake, the bush and wildlife.I also have great memories of time spent visiting with your parents as I was growing up and spending summers with my Muncy grandparents. Thanks again for all the interesting blogs. They will be missed!
-- Lee Milstead