Friday, July 8, 2016

Around Loon Lake - July 8, 2016

Summer has certainly started. But with really different weather! We've been hot and very muggy with very little rainfall. Lawns and fields everywhere are brown and brittle. A trip to Peterborough this week revealed farm fields and pastures like I've never seen before, particularly at this time of year - golden brown. First cuttings of hay look dried already!.

The screen capture above comes from the Trent Severn Waterway and shows that our water level will have dropped 0.157 metres by the end of next week That's 6 inches vertically in a two week period. 

Unheard of for this time of year. And if you've been up to the lake, you'll have noticed how far down the water levels are.

On a different note, the loon is still on her nest. This is really amazing given the amount of boating and swimming activity nearby. I truly hope people do not get anywhere near her, since the eggs should hatch next week. And I sure hope they do, especially because of the falling water levels.

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