Monday, September 19, 2016

An Early Fall ?

Just got back from a trip up to Northern Ontario and was surprised to see my boat totally up on our beach!

I also read a Loon Lake Facebook posting where a cottager's dog walked through the culvert on the Gregory Lane.

Curious, I went to the Trent Severn Waterway's website and looked at this graph and discovered that our water level is not quite at the average depth for this time of year. But bear in mind that these levels are recorded at the Stump Lake dam so they will be slightly different from the lake. 

On a different note, I see that the leaves on the trees still haven't really started to change colours. This is the same situation as is occurring as far north as New Liskeard. Perhaps Dave Phillips of Environment Canada was correct when he said the leaves won't really be spectacular this year because they will start to change less dramatically but earlier due to climate change.

As for the dog walking through the culvert - because the new culvert was placed in the water higher off the river bottom than it should have been, it makes the water shallower inside the culvert!

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